SEPT 9 - 18, 2022

Welcoming Cities are guided by the principles of inclusion and creating communities that prosper because everyone feels welcome, including immigrants and refugees.

The Latino Community Association's efforts to advocate for the Latino and immigrant communities has taken a more bold and direct approach after the change of governance in 2016. We saw that our clients, neighbors, and friends were being targeted for their country of origin and the color of their skin. We approached cities in our region with a clear request: Join Welcoming America and commit to values of equity and inclusion. So far only Bend has joined Welcoming America and taken on the intentional journey to work on creating a culture where everyone feels they belong and are welcome to participate fully in our community, which allows all to prosper.

La Semana de Bienvenida - Welcoming Week is one of the many ways in which the City of Bend works intentionally to create equity and inclusion within the city and surrounding region. This is the 5th year that Bend is partnering up with community based organizations and individuals to create experiences that celebrate people of color, immigrants, and other marginalized community members.

Latino Community Association is a proud sponsor of Welcoming Week 2022 and we invite you to join the Kickoff Celebration at our Family Empowerment Center on Friday, September 9th from 5-8pm.


Welcoming Week Kick Off Celebration

Friday, September 9. 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

LatinoFest 2022

Saturday, September 10. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

¡Latino Fest está de regreso como evento en vivo!

Latino Fest is back as a live event!

Welcoming Week 2022 Events

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Join the effort to make Central Oregon WELCOMING to ALL! 

  • We are committed to support and uplift the Latino and Immigrant community across Central Oregon, because our mission of empowering families to thrive can only be fulfilled if values of inclusion and equity are at the core of our culture and governance.
  • On August 4th of 2020, the Latino Community Association and the City of Bend invited community members, non-profit agencies, businesses, and leaders of all sectors across Central Oregon to sit in on a learning opportunity with George Zavala, Welcoming America’s Western Regional Manager, in an effort to further this dialogue in our region.
  • Sign up to be an advocate in your community, and help shape a culture of inclusion in your city and county. LCA wants to support leaders like you across Central Oregon.

Join the movement of inclusive communities becoming more prosperous by making everyone feel like they belong!

To learn more, visit https://www.welcomingamerica.org
Email leslie@latinocommunityassociation.org if you are ready to join this effort.

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