Our Impact Nuestro impacto

See what a difference we make TOGETHER ~ Vea la diferencia que hacemos JUNTOS!

Here you will find reports and a snapshot of some of our most important outcomes empowering families in 2020-21. Many of the outcomes we produce are intangible and difficult to measure, such as friendships created as a result of English Tutoring, or increased self-esteem and less isolation resulting from being more connected to the community through volunteering or increased knowledge of community resources.

Aquí encontrará informes y un resumen de algunos de los resultados más importantes  empoderando a las familias en 2020-21. Muchos de los resultados que producimos son intangibles y difíciles de medir, como las amistades creadas como resultado de la tutoría de inglés, o una mayor autoestima y menos aislamiento como resultado de estar más conectados con la comunidad a través del voluntariado o un mayor conocimiento de los recursos de la comunidad.

2022 Logros 2-23
Brad speaks at ribbon cutting
2022 Luncheon Thanks
Staff Team Adelante 7-22
Citizenship Prep Class (RDM-) SUM. 2022
Semana de Bienvenida FB Banner
Together We Thrive

Empowering Our Latino Families to Thrive

Empoderando las familias Latinas en Oregón Central




people received healthcare information and OHP enrollment assistance

people received Citizenship assistance

students improved their English or Computer skills

people helped to file taxes or renew their Individual Tax ID (ITIN)

translations/interpretations completed

Cash assistance distributed as COVID19 pandemic and Climate Disaster relief.

individuals provided with immigration legal assistance.

July 2021- December 2022 LCA Service Data

LCA Photo Medley w Logo