An essential connecting point for our Latino immigrant community in Central Oregon

Un punto de encuentro esencial para nuestras familias inmigrantes latinas en Oregón Central

Workforce Education and Training
Educación y Capacitación Laboral

Family Empowerment
Empoderamiento Familiar

Healthy Families
Familias Sanas

Cultural Enrichment
Enriquecimiento Cultural

Youth Rising
Desarrollo Juvenil

Who We Are

Providing quality, culturally-relevant services, in collaboration with community partners, that address the highest priority needs and aspirations of our families.

Quienes Somos

Proveyendo servicios de alta calidad, en colaboración con los socios comunitarios, que tratan las necesidades y promueven las aspiraciones de nuestras familias Latinas.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower our Latino families to thrive by creating opportunities for advancement and building bridges that unite and strengthen us all.

Nuestra Misión

Nuestra misión es capaciar a nuestras familias Latinas para prosperar creando oportunidades para progresar y construyendo puentes que nos unan y fortalezcan a todos.


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Latest News ~ Ultimas noticias

Latino Community Association transitions to new leadership

By Latino Community Association ~ July 6, 2023

After 17 years as Executive Director with the Latino Community Association (LCA), Brad Porterfield is passing on the leadership torch to make space for new energy and ideas that will propel LCA into its next phase of development. In December 2022, Brad told the staff and board that he felt the time was right for…


Redmond Office Grand Opening ~ Inauguracion

By Brad Porterfield ~ February 22, 2023

Join us! Unete!


New Redmond Office!

By Latino Community Association ~ January 24, 2023
Latino Community Association new Redmond office 636 NW Cedar

Come visit us at our new office in Redmond! 636 NW Cedar Ave Redmond, OR 97756



2024 Empowering Families Luncheon

Client Testimonials ~ Testimonios de Clientes

" La presentación fue muy clara , si hubiese obtenido esta capacitación antes de abrir  mi negocio actual me hubiese sido mucho más fácil" (Asesoría de apertura de negocios)
"The presentation was very clear, if I had received this training before opening my current business it would have been much easier for me" (Business Navigation)
- Erik 
"Excelente, recibí mucha información que desconocía. Buen servicio que ofrecen" (Asesoría de apertura de negocios)
"Excellent, received a lot of information that I didn't know . You all offered good services" (Workforce Navigation)
- Eliceo
"Ella me ayudo muchisimo, me ayudo con el seguro médico y a recibir mi tarjeta de seguro gracias a Dios califique al OHP porque ya no tenia mas medicina, estoy bien agradecida con Dios y con las personas que me ayudaron" (Asistencia del Plan de Seguro de Oregon)
"She was very helpful, she was able to get me my insurance card thank God I qualified for OHP because I didn't have any more medicine. I'm grateful to God and to the persons that help me" (OHP Assistance)
- Eustaquia
"I needed community service hours and Latino Community Association helped me to do my  hours, even though I completed my service hours I'm still volunteering because everybody treats me very well here and we work well together, I like to be available for whatever they need."
"Yo necesitaba horas de servicio y La Asociación de la Comunidad Latina me ayudó a hacer mis horas , aunque ya he terminado con mis horas me gusta venir aquí porque me tratan muy bien y trabajamos muy bien juntos, me gusta estar disponible para lo que necesiten "
- Salvador (Madras Office )



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Pronunciator Smartphone App above

(free for Deschutes Library members)

Making an Impact in Our Community

Mejorando nuestra comunidad



Support Our Mission
Contribuye a nuestra misión

Your support helps us address the critical
unmet needs of many Latino families in our community.

Guidestar Gold Seal 2021